(c) Buygether

Terms and conditions
Version 1-092a on 2013-12-23

I) Mission

Buygether is a free public service, open to everyone. It offers you a free and easy tool for organizing and participating to purchasing groups, with whom you can order and buy articles together with your friends or other users.

The use of Buygether is free.

In order to use the website you must be registered. By registering, you agree to abide by these terms and conditions. As user you participate to a group in Buygether in at least one of the following role: buyer, seller, assistant and group creator.

II) User's obligations

As user you agree to:

1) Not behave improperly with the other users; do not write information contrary to law, offensive or that violate or infringe the rights of any other person;

2) Not use Buygether to enter commercial promotion or advertising without the authorization of Buygether; and to respect Buygether Copyrights;

3) Provide your correct information and keep them up to date; accept that Buygether stores them in its servers; and accept emails sent from Buygether;

4) Understand that the services are provided on an "as is" and "as available" basis: Buygether does not warrant that the services will be delivered uninterrupted, timely, secure, or error-free.

III) Buygether's side

Buygether would:

1) Safeguard the information and privacy of the users on the best-effort basis; and accordingly not communicate the information of the user's profile to third persons without its permission. Information present in a group (e.g. nickname, comments, orders) would obviously visible to all users, which are authorised to access to it;

2) Communicate to you all your information stored in its servers and allow you to modify them or remove them. Except for the information stored in a logbook, which stores key actions performed in the servers;

3) Offer you a technical support on a best-effort basis and preferably per e-mail;

4) Support the development of ethical environments and traditional products, such as ethical purchasing groups, organic farming or traditional food producers.

IV) Violation

Should managers of the website consider appropriate, especially as consequence of a violation of this agreement, a user can be added in a black list or be permanently or temporarily disabled. That user would be informed per email.

V) Responsibility

Buygether managers are not responsible for any injury, loss or damage of any kind, including, without limitation, indirect or consequential loss, caused by or resulting from: receiving, sending or use of any opinion, idea, suggestion or material contained in site, or access to or inability to access the Web site, except in cases of liability shall not be limited by law.

VI) Modification of these terms and conditions

If a term, condition or provision of these terms and conditions is declared illegal, invalid, void, or for any reason unenforceable, the validity or enforceability of the other terms, conditions and forecasts will be affected.

These terms and conditions are in making and could be modified at any time and without notice. The registered users would be eventually informed about major modifications per email.

Data protection policy and Cookies
Version 1-00 on 2017-09-19

I) Data protection

The datas on your profile are stored in a Buygether server and will not be shown or sent to any other user or third person without your previous consent. With the exclusion of your first name, which could be eventually used as nickname in a group of yours, whenever you forget to set a different nickname.

II) Cookies

Buygether uses a technical cookie with the aim of limiting the duration of your session after a long period of inactivity. In other words, the website automatically log you out after few minutes of inactivity.

Buygether 0.16.0c BETA (2014-01-28 00:30)
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